Suburban Girl Eats: From Big City Eats to Hometown Favourites

September 6, 2012

The PB & J Experience

Call me sheltered. Say I never had a childhood. Tell me I was missing out.

Yes, until recently I had never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. At the age of 21, this topic came up in conversation as I tried to tell my friend NO I hadn't eaten a PB & J, but I was a curry connoisseur at the age of 5. That surely had to count for something. She thought otherwise, and it became her personal mission to introduce me to a staple in every child's diet.

Of course, my roommate at the time loved to document everything I did- including late night exam time KD feasts- so out came the camera for this momentuous time. Joy.

I am not a fan of foods touching. The PB co-mingling with the J was too much to handle. 

Nevertheless, I was optimistic. Surely there had to be a reason why so many people consume so much white bread. Other than the fact that they to are "white bread". 

My faith in humanity was obviously blown far out of proportion. No, people just have bad taste. And are cheap as hell. Not even the toaster and "fancy" jam could make the Dempster concoction good. 

There was hype. There was fanfare. Heck, there was paparazzi. But there was no faking the trademark Kodiak smile knowing I still had half a sandwich to go. 

Verdict? "Do white people ate this a lot?" 
I think I will stick with my curry, thanks.


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